This specification lists a number of standardized keys and values. It's highly recommended to stick to these fields and values.
The full specification in the form of JSON Schema files can be found in the schema repository.
If you need other fields in addition to the ones specified here, and you think that the fields could be of use to others too, please make a change request in the schema repository.
If you still need to use non-standard fields, you should prefix them with
to make it clear the field is not part of the documented API. If you
don't use that prefix, the fields will still be ignored by client
implementations, but they may collide with fields that we might standardize in
the future.
Most types are not nullable. That means that they may not contain the value "null", but they may be left away if they're not required.
You can use the SpaceAPI validator to verify that you implement the schema correctly.
The versions your SpaceAPI endpoint supports
The array must contain the value 15
The name of your space
URL to your space logo
URL to your space website
Position data such as a postal address or geographic coordinates. May be omitted for spaces without a fixed physical location.
The postal address of your space (street, block, housenumber, zip code, city, whatever you usually need in your country, and the country itself).
Latitude of your space location, in degree with decimal places. Use positive values for locations north of the equator, negative values for locations south of equator.
Longitude of your space location, in degree with decimal places. Use positive values for locations east of Greenwich, and negative values for locations west of Greenwich.
The timezone the space is located in. It should be formatted according to the TZ database location names.
Country code in ISO 3166 alpha-2 format
Information that can be used to describe how to access your space, if it is not trivial to find when standing at the address
A list of areas in your space. Must include at least 1 area if defined.
The name of this area
A description of this area
The size of this area in square meters
URL(s) of webcams in your space
A collection of status-related data: actual open/closed status, icons, last change timestamp etc.
A flag which indicates whether the space is currently open or closed. The state 'undefined' can be achieved by omitting this field. A missing 'open' property carries the semantics of a temporary unavailability of the state, whereas the absence of the 'state' property itself means the state is generally not implemented for this space.
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the space status changed most recently
The person who lastly changed the state e.g. opened or closed the space.
An additional free-form string, could be something like 'open for public', 'members only' or whatever you want it to be
Events which happened recently in your space and which could be interesting to the public, like 'User X has entered/triggered/did something at timestamp Z'
Name or other identity of the subject (e.g. J. Random Hacker, fridge, 3D printer, …)
Action (e.g. check-in, check-out, finish-print, …). Define your own actions and use them consistently, canonical actions are not (yet) specified
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the event occurred.
A custom text field to give more information about the event
Contact information about your space
Phone number, including country code with a leading plus sign
URI for Voice-over-IP via SIP
Persons who carry a key and are able to open the space upon request. One of the fields irc_nick, phone, email or twitter must be specified.
Real name
Contact the person with this nickname directly in irc if available. The irc channel to be used is defined in the contact/irc field.
Phone number, including country code with a leading plus sign
Email address which can be base64 encoded.
Twitter username with leading @
XMPP (Jabber) ID
Mastodon username
Matrix username (including domain)
URL of the IRC channel
Twitter username with leading @
Mastodon username
Facebook account URL. or StatusNet account, in the form
Foursquare ID, in the form 4d8a9114d85f3704eab301dc.
E-mail address for contacting your space. If this is a mailing list consider to use the contact/ml field.
The e-mail address of your mailing list. If you use Google Groups then the e-mail looks like
A public Jabber/XMPP multi-user chatroom in the form
A separate email address for issue reports. This value can be Base64-encoded.
A URL to find information about the Space in the Gopherspace
Matrix channel/community for the Hackerspace
URL to a Mumble server/channel, as specified in
Data of various sensors in your space (e.g. temperature, humidity, amount of Club-Mate left, …). The only canonical property is the temp property, additional sensor types may be defined by you. In this case, you are requested to share your definition for inclusion in this specification.
Temperature sensor. To convert from one unit of temperature to another consider Wikipedia.
The sensor value
The unit of the sensor value.
| °F
| K
| °De
| °N
| °R
| °Ré
| °Rø
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
CO2 sensor
The sensor value
The unit of the sensor value.
| vol%
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
Sensor type to indicate if a certain door is locked.
The sensor value
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
Barometer sensor
The sensor value
The unit of pressure used by your sensor
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
Compound radiation sensor. Check this resource.
An alpha sensor
Observed counts per minute (ocpm) or actual radiation value. If the value are the observed counts then the dead_time and conversion_factor fields must be defined as well. CPM formula:
Choose the appropriate unit for your radiation sensor instance
| r/h
| µSv/h
| mSv/a
| µSv/a
The dead time in µs. See the description of the value field to see how to use the dead time.
The conversion from the cpm unit to another unit hardly depends on your tube type. See the description of the value field to see how to use the conversion factor. Note: only trust your manufacturer if it comes to the actual factor value. The internet seems full of wrong copy & pastes, don't even trust your neighbour hackerspace. If in doubt ask the tube manufacturer.
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
A beta sensor
Observed counts per minute (ocpm) or actual radiation value. If the value are the observed counts then the dead_time and conversion_factor fields must be defined as well. CPM formula:
Choose the appropriate unit for your radiation sensor instance
| r/h
| µSv/h
| mSv/a
| µSv/a
The dead time in µs. See the description of the value field to see how to use the dead time.
The conversion from the cpm unit to another unit hardly depends on your tube type. See the description of the value field to see how to use the conversion factor. Note: only trust your manufacturer if it comes to the actual factor value. The internet seems full of wrong copy & pastes, don't even trust your neighbour hackerspace. If in doubt ask the tube manufacturer.
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
A gamma sensor
Observed counts per minute (ocpm) or actual radiation value. If the value are the observed counts then the dead_time and conversion_factor fields must be defined as well. CPM formula:
Choose the appropriate unit for your radiation sensor instance
| r/h
| µSv/h
| mSv/a
| µSv/a
The dead time in µs. See the description of the value field to see how to use the dead time.
The conversion from the cpm unit to another unit hardly depends on your tube type. See the description of the value field to see how to use the conversion factor. Note: only trust your manufacturer if it comes to the actual factor value. The internet seems full of wrong copy & pastes, don't even trust your neighbour hackerspace. If in doubt ask the tube manufacturer.
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
A sensor which cannot filter beta and gamma radiation separately.
Observed counts per minute (ocpm) or actual radiation value. If the value are the observed counts then the dead_time and conversion_factor fields must be defined as well. CPM formula:
Choose the appropriate unit for your radiation sensor instance
| r/h
| µSv/h
| mSv/a
| µSv/a
The dead time in µs. See the description of the value field to see how to use the dead time.
The conversion from the cpm unit to another unit hardly depends on your tube type. See the description of the value field to see how to use the conversion factor. Note: only trust your manufacturer if it comes to the actual factor value. The internet seems full of wrong copy & pastes, don't even trust your neighbour hackerspace. If in doubt ask the tube manufacturer.
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
Humidity sensor
The sensor value
The humidity unit
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
How much Mate and beer is in your fridge?
The sensor value
The unit, either btl for bottles or crt for crates
| crt
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
The power consumption of a specific device or of your whole space
The sensor value
The power unit
| VA
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
The power generation of a specific device or of your whole space
The sensor value
The unit of the sensor value.
| VA
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
Your wind sensor
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
This sensor type is to specify the currently active ethernet or wireless network devices. You can create different instances for each network type.
This field is optional but you can use it to the network type such as wifi or cable. You can even expose the number of spacenet-authenticated connections.
| cable
| spacenet
The amount of network connections.
The location of your sensor
This field is an additional field to give your sensor a name. This can be useful if you have multiple sensors in the same location.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
How rich is your hackerspace?
How much?
What's the currency? It should be formatted according to ISO 4217 short-code format.
If you have more than one account you can use this field to specify where it is.
Give your sensor instance a name.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
Specify the number of space members.
The amount of your space members.
Specify the location if your hackerspace has different departments (for whatever reason). This field is for one department. Every department should have its own sensor instance.
You can use this field to specify if this sensor instance counts active or inactive members.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
Specify the number of people that are currently in your space. Optionally you can define a list of names.
The amount of present people.
If you use multiple sensor instances for different rooms, use this field to indicate the location.
Give this sensor a name if necessary at all. Use the location field for the rooms. This field is not intended to be used for names of hackerspace members. Use the field 'names' instead.
List of hackerspace members that are currently occupying the space.
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
The current network traffic, in bits/second or packets/second (or both)
The measurement value, in packets/second
Name of the measurement, e.g. to distinguish between upstream and downstream traffic
Location the measurement relates to, e.g. WiFi or Uplink
An extra field that you can use to attach some additional information to this sensor instance
The Unix timestamp (in seconds) when the sensor value changed most recently
Feeds where users can get updates of your space
Your project sites (links to GitHub, wikis or wherever your projects are hosted)
Arbitrary links that you'd like to share
The link name.
An extra field for a more detailed description of the link
The URL.
A list of the different membership plans your hackerspace might have. Set the value according to your billing process. For example, if your membership fee is 10€ per month, but you bill it yearly (aka. the member pays the fee once per year), set the amount to 120 an the billing_interval to yearly.
The name of the membership plan
How much does this plan cost?
What's the currency? It should be formatted according to ISO 4217 short-code format.
How often is the membership billed? If you select other, please specify in the description what your billing interval is.
| quarterly
| monthly
| weekly
| daily
| hourly
| other
A free form string.